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Author archive for sora-user

What should I consider for a winter move?

  • What should I consider for a winter move?

    It’s easy to get bogged down with the winter blues and boredom. But there is plenty to do for Peoria…

  • How can I protect myself from theft during the move?

    Thieves are looking for homes to hit. There are times when your home is more vulnerable to theft. Mordue Moving…

  • Moving glassware and china - mordue moving & storage

    How to safely move china and glassware

    Some items are easier to move than others. Moving your household linens is easy. Moving your treasured wedding china or…

  • How can I make the move comfortable for my pets?

    If you have children, you’ve no doubt given a lot of thought to how you can make the move more…

  • What things are not worth moving?

    Moving is a big process, and tends to become more complicated as life happens — moving from one student apartment…

  • How to feel at home in your new community

    Moving to an entirely new community, far from your friends, doctor, dentist, favorite restaurants and other familiar favorites can be…

  • Stay or Go - Mordue Moving & Storage

    Should it stay or should it go? Only you know!

    You don’t need to move every single item you own, and you probably shouldn’t. So think about the new home…

  • Hidden Upside - mordue moving & storage

    The hidden upside of moving

    Probably nobody really loves to move, but it does have its hidden upside. Moving to a new home may mean…

  • Your golden years home

    It’s common for retirement-age people to conclude they have “too much house” and decide to move to a place that…

  • Temporary overseas move planned? Let us help!

    So your company is sending you overseas to work for a couple of years? How fun … and how potentially…
