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What things are not worth moving?

What things are not worth moving?

What things are not worth moving?
December 19, 2016 sora-user

Moving is a big process, and tends to become more complicated as life happens — moving from one student apartment to another involves little more than a friend with a truck, but once you have a house full of furniture and perhaps children, moving is a whole different process, which is why Mordue Moving is here to lift that burden.

However, you can simplify your move by realizing you do not have to move everything you own, and shouldn’t.

Here are some examples of things it’s best not to move:

  • Pantry items and other foods. Try to use things up before your move. Give other items to neighbors or donate them to a food pantry.
  • Cleaning supplies, other than basics you may want to immediately have on hand when you arrive at your new home.
  • Anything that is old and nearing the end of its useful life, such as worn kitchen or bath linens that you would discard in the near future.
  • Clothing that you never wear and ought to have already donated or discarded. Now’s the time!
  • Junk drawer contents. There’s a reason we call it junk … don’t move any useless clutter. Just get rid of it now.
  • Old paperwork that you don’t have a good reason to hang onto. If you still have a file full of things like the warranty information for a refrigerator you no longer own, it’s time to get rid of it. Only move the paperwork that you need to keep.
  • Paperback books that you don’t treasure. If you have piles of murder mysteries or romances you aren’t particularly attached to, donate them to a senior center or used book store. Do keep your favorites and classics.
  • Outgrown toys that your children no longer play with, except for special or heirloom items that you hope to pass onto grandchildren someday. Donate it so another child can enjoy it.
  • Anything else that you really don’t want or need anymore. Go from room to room and cast a critical eye on all your things. If you don’t really want it, the time to discard it is before your move — not after.

Freeing yourself from junk, clutter and other items you no longer want or need is one of the hidden benefits of moving.

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